The new Aged Care Quality Standards, which came into effect on 1 July 2019, place a much greater focus on the individual consumer, their family and support network. In fact, the consumer is at the centre of each of the new quality standards.
This means that how aged care service providers engage with consumers is vital to not only providing the best possible care and services, but also to meeting the quality standards.
What were the workshops about?
The Australian Aged Care Quality Agency, which is now known as the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, contracted COTA Queensland to develop, deliver and evaluate a one-day workshop aimed at enhancing consumer engagement knowledge, skills and practices within aged care services. We partnered with Carrie Hayter Consulting to develop and conduct the workshops.
The main aim of the workshop was to give aged care staff and managers the knowledge, skills, and practical tools to develop their own consumer engagement practice and support others to do the same.
Download the Summary Report here.
What did participants get out of the workshops?
The participants left the workshops with greater knowledge and understanding about engagement and how it could be done, and importantly, also with greater confidence to create change and to support others in their organisations to create change.
I didn’t get to attend a workshop – are there resources I can access?
The Enhancing Consumer Engagement Workshops used a range of specially developed materials and resources to support aged care managers and staff to develop their knowledge and confidence. We know it’s not always easy to get to a workshop, so we have turned the workshop activities and resources into a series of activity sheets you can use. You can download them all here for free.
Want to know more? View and download the resources here.
Are you a service provider looking for help to develop knowledge and skills in your service? We can help you. Click here for more information or contact us now on (07) 3316 2999.